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๐Ÿ›  Miscsโ€‹

  • Bug: Fix typing when adding panels with floating options #647
  • Bug: Fix gap property #649
  • Bug: Group option not passed through correctly for popout groups #650

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๐Ÿš€ Featuresโ€‹

  • add onDidMovePanel event and incorperate into onDidLayoutChange events #616
  • panel gap size controlled through new gap property #618
  • Support floating groups anchoring through bottom and right attributes #628 #621

๐Ÿ›  Miscsโ€‹

  • Bug: setVisible fixes and enhancements #633
  • Documentation changes #627

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๐Ÿ›  Miscsโ€‹

  • Bug: fix duplicate group added when adding group with absolute position #596

  • Bug: Adjust onDidLayoutChange behaviour #597

    • onDidLayoutChange is an aggregation of events that constitute a layout change. Previously these events were aggregated and the events were then fired once through a setTimeout(..., 0) approach. This has been altered to fire on a queueMicrotask event and will only subscribe to events that happen after the event is subscribed to, previously you may have recieved events yet to fire on the setTimeout function but within the same event-loop cycle which was a bug.

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The majority of the changes in this release are internal changes to support the upcoming support of multiple frameworks, starting with Vue.js.

๐Ÿš€ Featuresโ€‹

  • Add onDidActivePanelChange event to group api #541

  • Add inactive property to addPanel method to add panels without making them active #572

๐Ÿ›  Miscsโ€‹

  • Bug: width and height set incorrectly on floating groups when resized #580

  • Create framework packages in preperation for multiple framework support #541 These are still in active development and will be offically support soon.

    • Create dockview-react package
    • Create dockview-angular package
    • Create dockview-vue package
  • Move various type definitions from dockview to dockview-core in preperation for multiple framework support #541

    • Move IGroupPanelBaseProps from dockview to dockview-core
    • Move IDockviewPanelHeaderProps from dockview to dockview-core
    • Move IDockviewPanelProps from dockview to dockview-core
    • Move IDockviewHeaderActionsProps from dockview to dockview-core
    • Move IGroupHeaderProps from dockview to dockview-core
    • Move IWatermarkPanelProps from dockview to dockview-core
    • Move DockviewReadyEvent from dockview to dockview-core
  • [dockview] Depreciate canDisplayOverlay in favour of the onUnhandledDragOverEvent api event #541

๐Ÿ”ฅ Breaking changesโ€‹

  • [dockview-core] Replace DockviewComponent canDisplayOverlay option with onUnhandledDragOverEvent event #541
  • [dockview-core] Rename createRightHeaderActionsElement to createRightHeaderActionElement #576
  • [dockview-core] Rename createLeftHeaderActionsElement to createLeftHeaderActionElement #576
  • [dockview-core] Rename createPrefixHeaderActionsElement to createPrefixHeaderActionElement #576
  • [dockview-core] Remove frameworkTabComponents and tabComponents, replaced by createTabComponent #576
  • [dockview-core] Remove frameworkComponents and components, replaced by createComponent #576
  • [dockview-core] Remove watermarkFrameworkComponent and watermarkComponent, replaced by createWatermarkComponent #576

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๐Ÿš€ Featuresโ€‹

  • Enhance onWillShowOverlay event to contain additional commonly used methods and properties #564

  • Expose api.component and api.tabComponent on panel api #569

๐Ÿ”ฅ Breaking changesโ€‹

  • Fix Typo: onlyWhenVisibile to onlyWhenVisible #559

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๐Ÿ›  Miscsโ€‹

  • Adjust React imports #556

    • Rename import * as React from 'react' to import React from 'react'
    • Rename import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom' to import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
    • This is preperation work for supporting multiple framworks (Vue, Angular etc...)
  • Only export CSS from dockview-core #553

    • All required CSS is now found in dockview-core only. dockview (React) specific CSS has been removed and made compatible with CSS in dockview-core. This is preperation work for supporting multiple framworks (Vue, Angular etc...)
    • For compatibility reasons dockview-core CSS continues to be re-exported through dockview.
    • Class name changes as follows:
      • tab-action to dv-default-tab-action
      • default-tab to dv-default-tab
      • tab-content to dv-default-tab-content
      • dockview-react-tab to dv-default-tab
      • dockview-react-tab-title to dv-default-tab-content
      • dv-react-tab-close-btn to dv-default-tab-action