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Dockview 1.11.0

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๐Ÿ›  Miscsโ€‹

  • Adjust React imports #556

    • Rename import * as React from 'react' to import React from 'react'
    • Rename import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom' to import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
    • This is preperation work for supporting multiple framworks (Vue, Angular etc...)
  • Only export CSS from dockview-core #553

    • All required CSS is now found in dockview-core only. dockview (React) specific CSS has been removed and made compatible with CSS in dockview-core. This is preperation work for supporting multiple framworks (Vue, Angular etc...)
    • For compatibility reasons dockview-core CSS continues to be re-exported through dockview.
    • Class name changes as follows:
      • tab-action to dv-default-tab-action
      • default-tab to dv-default-tab
      • tab-content to dv-default-tab-content
      • dockview-react-tab to dv-default-tab
      • dockview-react-tab-title to dv-default-tab-content
      • dv-react-tab-close-btn to dv-default-tab-action