constructor |
height | Height of the component.
maximumSize | The maximum size the component can reach where size is measured in the direction of orientation provided.
minimumSize | The minimum size the component can reach where size is measured in the direction of orientation provided.
onDidAddView | Invoked when a panel is added. May be called multiple times when moving panels.
onDidDrop | Invoked when a Drag'n'Drop event occurs that the component was unable to handle. Exposed for custom Drag'n'Drop functionality.
onDidLayoutChange | Invoked when any layout change occures, an aggregation of many events.
onDidLayoutFromJSON | Invoked after a layout is deserialzied using the fromJSON method.
onDidRemoveView | Invoked when a panel is removed. May be called multiple times when moving panels.
onUnhandledDragOverEvent |
panels | All panel objects.
width | Width of the component.
addPanel | Add a panel and return the created object.
clear | Reset the component back to an empty and default state.
dispose | Release resources and teardown component. Do not call when using framework versions of dockview.
focus | Focus the component. Will try to focus an active panel if one exists.
fromJSON | Create a component from a serialized object.
getPanel | Get a panel object given a string id. May return undefined .
layout | Force resize the component to an exact width and height. Read about auto-resizing before using.
movePanel | Move a panel given it's current and desired index.
removePanel | Remove a panel given the panel object.
toJSON | Create a serialized object of the current component.
updateOptions | Update configuratable options.