The dock makes heavy use of drag and drop functionalities.
onWillDragGroup | Invoked before a group is dragged.
Calling event.nativeEvent.preventDefault() will prevent the group drag starting.
onWillDragPanel | Invoked before a panel is dragged.
Calling event.nativeEvent.preventDefault() will prevent the panel drag starting.
onWillDrop | Invoked when a Drag'n'Drop event occurs but before dockview handles it giving the user an opportunity to intecept and
prevent the event from occuring using the standard preventDefault() syntax.
Preventing certain events may causes unexpected behaviours, use carefully.
onWillShowOverlay | Invoked before an overlay is shown indicating a drop target.
Calling event.preventDefault() will prevent the overlay being shown and prevent
the any subsequent drop event.
Drag And Drop
You can override the conditions of the far edge overlays through the dndEdges
size: { value: 100, type: 'pixels' },
activationSize: { value: 5, type: 'percentage' },
Extended behaviours
For interaction with the Drag events directly the component exposes some method to help determine whether external drag events should be interacted with or not.
* called when an ondrop event which does not originate from the dockview libray and
* passes the onUnhandledDragOverEvent condition
const onDidDrop = (event: DockviewDropEvent) => {
const { group } = event;
id: 'test',
component: 'default',
position: {
direction: 'within',
const onReady = (event: DockviewReadyEvent) => {
* called for drag over events which do not originate from the dockview library
* allowing the developer to decide where the overlay should be shown for a
* particular drag event
api.onUnhandledDragOverEvent(event => {
return (
Third Party Dnd Libraries
This shows a simple example of a third-party library used inside a panel that relies on drag
and drop functionalities. This examples serves to show that dockview
doesn't interfer with
any drag and drop logic for other controls.